Outdoor recreation provides several advantages for those experiencing disabilities and their families (Farnham & Mutrie, 1997, Labbé et al., 2019). Farnham & Mutrie’s study on “The potential benefits of outdoor development for Children with special needs” and Labbé et al.’s study on “Participating more, participating better: Health benefits of adaptive leisure for people with disabilities” offer insight and representation to these benefits. Through involving themselves in various outdoor recreation programs participants of the studies reported their engagement as being an overall enjoyable experience (Farnham & Mutrie, 1997). By overcoming the barriers often associated with recreational connection in this day and age, it was reported that there was regained senses of freedom, improved personal performance and interpersonal skills, enjoyment at the chance to escape isolation, an increased sense of relaxation and improved mood, and a personal sense of accomplishment (Farnham & Mutrie, 1997, Labbé et al., 2019). Outdoor recreation has the opportunity to offer improved well-being and enjoyment for children experiencing a disability.
Benefits of Outdoor Play
Outdoor play is beneficial both physically and mentally, and it should be an option for all kids.

Personal Sense of Accomplishment